On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 17:13, Jason Willis wrote:
>   Jamin,
>        I have a RedHat installation as well.   What X startup files do you 
> edit?  Thanks.

File modified:

Brief description of changes:
/etc/sysconfig/desktop -
This file is referenced by both of the following scripts.  I change it's
contents to DESKTOP="blackbox"

/etc/X11/xinit/Xclients -
Near the top of this file there is a if/elif condition that looks for
GNOME, KDE, or Anotherlevel.  I add another elif condition like
Anotherlevel looking for blackbox.  Note: the "PREFERRED" variable that
is set in this script is actually the file that's executed for your WM.

/etc/X11/prefdm -
Since I don't much care for KDM or GDM, I added a condition for blackbox
in the preferred='s if/elif condition (starts around line 19).  I also
altered the order so that XDM is the default (starts around line 33).

Other system changes for Blackbox:

I then use a custom script to start blackbox called bb-start.


if [ -f ~/.blackbox/background.jpg ]; then
        bsetbg -t ~/.blackbox/background.jpg &

if [ -f ~/.blackbox/bb-start ]; then
        . ~/.blackbox/bb-start


This script simply looks for two things in the user's ~/.blackbox
directory.  The first is a file/symlink called background.jpg.  If
found, it sets the desktop background accordingly.  The second is a file
called bb-start.  If found, this file is sourced.  This provides a
convenient means of allowing end user's to customize blackbox to their

I also modify the default Blackbox menu to include ~/.blackbox/menu
under a "Personal" submenu with an Edit menu option that uses a shell
environment variable to determine which editor to launch.  I then place
an empty menu file in /etc/skel/.blackbox/menu so that all new users
have the file and ~/.blackbox directory.

Jamin W. Collins
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner

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