On Fri, 2001-11-02 at 20:11, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > File modified:
> > /etc/X11/prefdm
> > /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients
> > /etc/sysconfig/desktop
> It is usually considered better to create or modify ther user's own
> configuration files than system-wide configs.
> Even if you are the only user, you system configs could get (or need to
> be) changed during upgrades. Also, if you just use user-only configs, you
> could probably switch to an entirely different operating system
> distribution (or flavour) and it will still work the same.

I see the reasoning behind that approach, and it's good advice.

I've been approaching my system configuration with the idea of system
wide standards with the intent of creating diff's for use in generating
either a script/patch to be applied to a default RH install, or as a
basis for a new slim linux installation.  

While I like some of the features of RH, there's just seems to be so
much excess in their default installation.  With 7.2 the basic
installation (X, Networking, minor Graphics, and Development) come to
right around 1 Gig.  That just seems wrong to me.

> Good ideas.

Thanks.  Hey, what do you guys think of gathering some BB related
scripting tips and what not into one location?

Jamin W. Collins
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." - John Gardner

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