Umm.  I'm not sure I agree with your statement, but that's beside the 
point.  There's no way that fluxbox will ever make its way into blackbox.

On 2001.11.08 23:07 Christian Dysthe wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Fluxbox running now. This is what BB would have been if it had
> been actively developed. I like it. I would like to know if we are going
> to see two parallel projects here, or if actually Fluxbox is going to end
> up becoming the continuation of Blackbox.
> And I guess Fluxbox will be off topic on this list? :)
> On Wed, 07 Nov 2001 23:01:21 -0800
> Justin Rebelo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |Blackbox is not being currently developed. It doesn't need much work,
> |though, anyways. However, some people have picked up the code and
> |started a new project called "Fluxbox" with it. I know how stubborn bb
> |users are (since I am one), but this really is a cool project. It's
> |identical to current version of BB but with extra features added, such
> |as having bbkeys built in so that you dont have to run a second app to
> |manage keybinds. Also, the application tabs are awesome. I would not
> |accept them at first because I am so conservative with my WMs, but this
> |stuff is really great, it helps alot for keeping things minimal. Alot of
> |screenshots make flux look ass ugly, but thats just coincidence. You can
> |compare them on my desktop screenshots running the same theme, one in bb
> |and one in flux. Check em out at
> |
> |
> |
> |You can get flux and more info from
> |
> |And no, I am not a developer plugging my own app, I am just a user who
> |really thinks you guys should check this out.
> |
> |Justin Rebelo
> |
> |Mark Hill wrote:
> |
> |>On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 11:02:23PM -0600, Christian Dysthe wrote:
> |>
> |>>Hi,
> |>>
> |>>I am fairly new to BB and the documentation on the BB site isn't very
> helpful. Lots of dead links. Is Blackbox out of development, or is it a
> new site somewhere that I am not aware of?
> |>>
> |>>A couple of questions:
> |>>
> |>>1. Is it possible to set it so that a doubleclick on the top bar of a
> window maximizes it instead of shading it?
> |>>
> |>>2. I tried to compile the bbapm app, but it fails. I am not able get
> the compile completed. Are there binaries available somewhere?
> |>>
> |>>3. Is it a way to open bbkeys without anything showing on the desktop?
> I do not need the keyhole, but I need the functionality. :)
> |>>
> |>>TIA
> |>>
> |>
> |>I don't believe blackbox is current development, but there are patches
> |>around to enhance bb.
> |>
> |>3. run bbkeys with the -i option. I have this in my ~/.xinitrc to start
> |>bbkeys:
> |>
> |>bbkeys -i &
> |>
> |
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Christian Dysthe.
Jason Kasper (vanRijn)
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