Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

>"Public domain" is great!!! I am glad you chose public domain; be sure
>your code says "public domain".
>GPL is NOT public domain. Spend some time reading about GPL, public
>domain, BSD licensing.
> and search via google.
So, you claim because enhancements/changes/derived works have to be 
given back to the public, the GPL is not Public Domain?  Not following 
you here.  It would seem to me that the fact that it does have to be 
given back makes it more Public Domain than the BSD licenses of "here do 
what you will".

Does the BSD license grant more rights to the user?  Yes, at least one I 
don't care for.  The right to take what I released to the public and 
close it away.  No thanks.

Jamin W. Collins

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