Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> So, you claim because enhancements/changes/derived works have to be 
> given back to the public, the GPL is not Public Domain?  Not following 
> you here.  

Oops, I'll check myself before someone else does (hopefully).  It would 
seem that Mr. Reed is correct.  The term "Public Domain" carries a bit 
of legal ramification with it:

Public domain software is software that is not copyrighted. It is a 
special case of non-copylefted free software 
which means that some copies or modified versions may not be free at all.

Sometimes people use the term ``public domain'' in a loose fashion to 
mean ``free'' 
<http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/categories.html#FreeSoftware> or 
``available gratis.'' However, ``public domain'' is a legal term and 
means, precisely, ``not copyrighted''. For clarity, we recommend using 
``public domain'' for that meaning only, and using other terms to convey 
the other meanings.

This is not quite what I intended.  I mis-spoke and apologize.

Jamin W. Collins

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