> Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 16:29:13 +0100
> From: Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: iconized bbkeys
> Hi there,
> bbkeys-0.3.6 started from .xinitrc with "bbkeys -i &" doesn't capture the
> keypresses. Is there a way to make it work without cluttering the desktop?
> Or rather, since I just realized that the current version is 0.8.3, is this
> fixed in the newer versions?
    To answer my own question, and so that it's archived:
    the keymap file (.bbkeysrc) is not the same as the style file 
    (bbtools/bbkeys.bb). Looks like the -c switch is meant for the latter
    one, and bbkeys doesn't respond to any mapped keypresses if you point
    it at .bbkeysrc with -c.

    This leads me to a question or two: could the location of .bbkeysrc be
    made configurable? I don't really like to have to wade thru dozens of
    rc files in my ~. Patching bbkeys to look for the file seems to be truly
    trivial (I found two places where the file is referenced in the source,
    and one of those was in bbkeysconf IIRC), but I'd like to see this 
    accepted in the source. Would such a change be welcome? If so, I can
    try to come up with a patch.

    There is one glitch I can see: currently, bbkeysconf and the like don't
    have to look where the actual keymap file resides: it's hardcoded as
    ~/.bbkeysrc. This could be solved like this: the path to the keymap file
    would be specified in the style file, and bbkeysconf would look for it 
    there. If the style file doesn't contain the directive, just dump it 
    to the standard place. 

    Which (I said I don't like having my ~ cluttered with lots of dotfiles)
    would be really sweet to change to a patch in ~/.blackbox.

    I switched to BB from AfterStep, and I'm so happy you wouldn't believe
    it. But BB has one disadvantage compared to AS: the AS config files all
    live in a tree rooted in one directory in my ~. Sweet. (Other than that,
    the AS configuration is an atrocity, but that's another story.)

    To sum this up: thank you for BB to everyone involved in the development,
    and please, try to centralize the location of the rc files.

    Oh, the bbkeys docs are full of stuff like "the other config file". As
    you might have noticed, changing the terminology to "keymap file" and
    "style file" could help get rid of this confusion.

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