On 11/19/2001 at 01:16 PM, Roman Neuhauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: >has
anyone built bbconf on freebsd? I'm no expert on the GNU build tools, >but
it looks to me like the bbconf_LDADD lines in
>bbconf-1.2/bbconf/(Makefile.am|Makefile.in) are hosed: hardcoding those
>libs in beats the purpose of configure. FreeBSD has dlopen() in libc, and
>qt-2.3.1 installed libqt2.so, not libqt.so. This together lead to
>breakage with "cannot find -ldl", although configure correctly found that
>-ldl is  not needed for dlopen() to work. Anyone knows how to fix this

I've been able to build on FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE without too many problems.
Unless you have a need for Qt 1.4, symlink libqt.so to libqt2.so. (IMHO,
libqt2.so should have been the original library name, because of crap like
this) It will help with other packages that aren't in the massive ports

Maybe I should start work on a new set of (autocrap-type) tools that
aleviate these problems. (And it could probably be done in less code than
the autostools.)


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