On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 03:12:21PM -0500, Jan Schaumann wrote:

> > So I guess that's my vote for a grey background rather
> > than white. :)
> Yeah, white background sucks ass. ;-)
> How 'bout a black background and grey font (<body bgcolor="#00000"
> text="#cccccc">)?  I kinda like that.  And we could expand the
> color-scheme to be "vim with background=dark" like. :)
> After all, it's _Black_box...

Please no black and other dark and murky colors with unreadable badly
contrasted text. 
Keep it white or near white. It's also a lot easier on the eyes
(at least my tired eyes).

NB the same goes for a lot of themes people make for blackbox:
   why always such dark and ghoulish colors (again making text
   difficult to read and tiring for the eyes).


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