On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 04:16:24 -0500, Derek Cunningham
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> because they'll be down in the iconbar. *shrug* maybe the developers
> of the above apps, and others that have the possibility of running
> without an interface, could create a daemon mode? just an idea...

I second that; I have no need of a bbkeys interface, and having to kill
it and then restart it every time I accidentally select it from the
Icons menu quickly loses its appeal ;)

[Alternatively on this theme, maybe something like bbappconf (or bb
itself if bbappconf's functionality is integrated into the wm) could
have an additional option of 'hiding' an application so that it never
gets an entry in any Workspace menu (*imagines this could be handy for
her XMMS*).]

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