On 1 Feb 2002, Jamin W. Collins wrote:

> On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 19:43, skidley wrote:
> > I have a logitech internet keyboard and have loaded the map for the
> > extra keys in XFree86 with this line: Option "XkbModel" "logiinternet"
> > I have 3 keys working easily in fluxbox. I have used bbkeys and bbconf
> > to try to load the keys XF86WWW, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, and
> > XF86AudioLowerVolume to execute commands without success. 
> I've found (thanks to advice from this list) that there is better
> success in remapping the keys to the extra F?? keys via xmodmap.  If
> you'd like I can provide my '.Xmodmap' file as an example.  Details are
> in the list archives also.
> Jamin W. Collins
I have done this and had them working but it seems it should be much
easier to use the defined keys for the particular kb. But I even tried
that method b4 I sent my email and blackbox wouldn't run them although
they were recognized in bbconf. The point I was trying to make and find
out more about is why they would work flawlessly in fluxbox and not in
blackbox when the methods of defining them are similar.
"I've made many statements about being sober, and one I can really say is
... sobriety f**king sucks!" --Ozzy Osbourne

Chad Young           
Registered Linux User #195191
@ http://counter.li.org
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