Um.  I've of course deleted the original message, but I believe the
message started along the lines of "how come gaim raises itself above
quake...", etc.  It seems to me that the correct and simplest solution
to this is to tell gaim to stop XRaiseWindow'ing itself to the top
whenever it feels like it (Conversations | IM Window -> "Raise windows
on events")....  Since quake isn't setting anything that tells window
managers to not allow other windows to overlay it, I don't think this is
the window manager's job....

On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 16:55, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 06-Feb-2002 Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > On Wed, 2002-02-06 at 15:17, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> >> On this topic (forgive me I am not a gamer and generally do not own cool
> >> enough
> >> hardware to run most games) what does 'fullscreen mode' mean?  Is this
> >> something like DGA?  I suspect I will have to track down the source and
> >> look.
> > 
> > Not sure of the complete technical breakdown in terms of what it means
> > to Blackbox, but in essence "Fullscreen" items take over the complete
> > display (no decoration of any kind).  I don't believe this requires
> > DGA.  If it would help, I could whip up a really minor fullscreen SDL
> > application (any video card should be able to run it) for testing with.
> > 
> > Jamin W. Collins
> hmmmmm, on initial reading of the SDL code they simply raise the window to the
> top and make it cover the whole screen.  Near as I can see they set no special
> hint or flag letting the wm know this.
> Best thing blackbox could do at that point would be refusing to raise the
> dialog if the parent was not visible.  But then that raises other issues.  Not
> sure what the right approach is here.
Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
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Numbers 6:24-26

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