On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 12:27:05 -0800 (PST)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 22-Feb-2002 Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > Or maybe a simple shell tool using xlsclients and xprop could do
> > this? (But not runing all the time.)
> this could work too.
> > But I am not sure if xprop(1) can return all that; it does offer
> > "_BLACKBOX_ATTRIBUTES" and "WM_STATE" and more.
> xprop has all of the information it seems.

Well, here's a quick stab, for those of you interested.

It locates all windows (at least those reported by xlsclients) and starts
gathering information about them.  Then stores this information in

Currently, it get's the workspace and geometry.  Gather state won't be
difficult, at least not if someone can give me a few pointers (or ideas
where to look) regarding the information reported by "xprop".  

Feedback/pointers appreciated.


# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Version:      0.01
# Released:     2/23/02
# Author:       Jamin W. Collins ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
# Web Site:     http://www.asgardsrealm.net/linux/
# E-Mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a first take at a script to capture window position
# information to be used in conjuction with a launcher
# application (perhaps bblaunch) to provide a simple means
# for starting applications up in the same location.
# Uses the following programs to gather the needed information:
#       xprop   xwininfo   xlsclients
# Uses the following programs for data manipulation:
#       grep   sed   cut
# Uses the following programs for file manipulations:
#       tempfile   mv
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2002 Jamin W. Collins
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# set IFS to new line only so we get complete command lines


echo "#!/bin/sh" >> $TEMPFILE

# get hex ids for all windows
WINDOW_IDS=(`xlsclients -l | grep Window | sed s/"Window "// | sed s/://`)

# loop through each entry in command lines
for WINDOW_ID in ${WINDOW_IDS[@]}; do
        # get the application command line (with arguments)
        COMMAND_LINE=`xlsclients -l | grep $WINDOW_ID -A 5 | grep Command | sed
s/"  Command:  "//`

        # grab just the executable, not the command line arguments
        APP_NAME=`echo $COMMAND_LINE| cut -f1 -d ' '`
        # Get application's geometry
        APP_GEOM=`xwininfo -id $WINDOW_ID | grep 'geometry'`

        # Grab list of BB attributes for later use
        BB_ATTR=`xprop -id $WINDOW_ID | grep _BLACKBOX_ATTRIBUTES`

        # get workspace that application is running on (3rd BB attribute?)
        WORKSPACE=`echo $BB_ATTR | cut -f 3 -d ',' | sed s/" 0x"//`
        # display retrieved information
        echo "WINDOW_ID = $WINDOW_ID"
        echo "Command line = $COMMAND_LINE"
        echo "Executable = $APP_NAME"
        echo "Blackbox Attributes= $BB_ATTR"
        echo "Workspace = '$WORKSPACE'"
        echo "Application Geometry = $APP_GEOM"
        echo ""
        if [ -n "$WORKSPACE" ]; then
                echo "bblaunch -w $(($WORKSPACE+1)) $COMMAND_LINE $APP_GEOM" >>
$TEMPFILE       fi

mv $TEMPFILE ~/.bbsession


Jamin W. Collins

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