The forecast: a long thread arguing for and against freeping creaturism.

Anyway... I just wanted to voice my opinion in favour of said addition... it
would definately add some character additional to BB!


On Tue, Apr02,02 18:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How about adding shadows for the text on toolbar, windows bars and menus?
> Nothing fancy, just the same text with different color under the "normal"
> one, and displaced by 1px V&H. Maybe some resources describing the color
> of the shadow and maybe the displacement distance in the menu files? If
> someone doesn't like the shadow they can use "sameasparent" or whatever
> that transparent attribute was.
> I've tempered with an actual screenshot and manually added some shadows to
> see what it would look like. It's pretty cool, and I'm surprised nobody
> thought of this before. Of course, there may be other difficulties I'm not
> aware of.
> See the shadows screenshot at:
> Ciprian Popovici

Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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