On 02-Apr-2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How about adding shadows for the text on toolbar, windows bars and menus?
> Nothing fancy, just the same text with different color under the "normal"
> one, and displaced by 1px V&H. Maybe some resources describing the color
> of the shadow and maybe the displacement distance in the menu files? If
> someone doesn't like the shadow they can use "sameasparent" or whatever
> that transparent attribute was.
> I've tempered with an actual screenshot and manually added some shadows to
> see what it would look like. It's pretty cool, and I'm surprised nobody
> thought of this before. Of course, there may be other difficulties I'm not
> aware of.

Basically it means drawing every text string twice which is practically twice
as slow except for the fact that we can save the text width math.

Dunno, maybe it is worth considering.  Then again it also feels like yet
another attempt to mimic other OS's.

If someone out there with time on their hands wants to send a patch in, we can
all at least look at it.  Either way, this can't happen for a while.  Feature
freeze still in effect.

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