On Wed, Apr17,02 12:30, Joe MacDonald wrote:
> In message: Re: LainOS (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
> on 17/04/2002 (Wed 11:27) Derek Cunningham wrote:
> > > didn't play nicely with X (it had no way to interact with other
> > > applications like rox or xv who did things with the root window) 
> > 
> > Hmm... I should hope that's been fixed... it is proporting itself to
> > be a desktop environment.
> Ah, there's the rub.  It created it's own window that sat on top of X's
> root window.  That window was where the Perlbox desktop lived.
> Basically a perl/tk version of Star Office 5.2.

ewww... that just tastes funny thinking about it! I'll still have a look...
but if this is still true, it'll be scrapped pretty quickly.
> > > and it was TK based.  (Like the TK wigets aren't
> > > ugly enough to make one swear off any UI on their own.)
> > 
> > well.. the screenshots look good. :)
> Yeah, that's what I thought too.  Somehow, though, when I got it set up
> all the TK-ness oozed out at me.  :-)


> > > Of course, don't take my word for it, both projects may have
> > > improved vastly since then, and maybe my Athelon 1.33GHz with 1Gig
> > > of RAM was just too puny for perlbox to run properly.  I know it's
> > > inadquate for Enlightenment.  ;-)
> > > 
> > 
> > hmm... I'm running PII300/512Ram and E ran fairly decently on my
> > system...  *shrug* maybe we have different expectations? :)
> Undoubtedly.  :-)  I expect everything to run as snappy as bb, which is
> why I'm not running something else right now.  Nothing measures up
> except for some of those 9wm-style managers (and possibly twm) and I
> can't bring myself to use them.

whenever I reinstall a Linux distro (in my case: slackware) I ONLY install
TWM... and then proceed to use it long enough to get blackbox online. :) I
doubt I'll change... but using blackbox is like my search for religion... I
currently don't believe in God, but I keep looking for him, whereas with
Blackbox I currently don't believe anything is better, but I keep looking
for something better anyway. :) heh...

Maybe I should suck it up, and find something useful to do with my time,
instead of the never-ending persuit of God, and the
fruitless-since-blackbox-was-developed persuit of the Perfect WM.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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