Sean 'Shaleh' Perry declaimed:
> > 
> > I suppose I could maintain a custom menu section in Blackbox syntax and 
> > write a script to munge it together with the default Debian menu into 
> > ~/.blackbox/menu, but is there a better method?
> > 
> Debian's menu system allows local menu files.  You make a .menu directory and
> populate it.  run update-menus as a user and it should spit out a
> ~/blackbox-menu.  Move this where you like and point .blackboxrc at it.
> The menu docs in /usr/share/doc/menu will have more on this.
> You could have something like:
> [My menu]
> stuff
> more stuff
> Debian->
> exit
Well, after reading the stuff in /usr/doc/menu O(2^n) times, plus your
advice, I've succeed; it was much simpler than any of the docs led me to
believe. (Of course, having discovered the /usr/doc/menu/html files, I
ignored the menu & menufile man pages, my fault.)

How I made it work:
I copied /usr/lib/menu/abiword-common to ~/.menu/foo. Then I edited the 
section label from 'Apps/Editors' to 'MyStuff'. Sure enough, running 
update-menus as a user added the MyStuff entry to the root of my Debian 
menu with a (functional!) entry for AbiWord. I'm sure the entry could be
stripped down a bit, but the proof of concept is done.

BTW, ~/.blackbox/blackbox-menu is created for me automatically because 
/etc/menu-methods/blackbox specifies 


So I'm good to go, only bummer is that bbconf menu changes are dumped 
when I run update-menus, so I have to customize by hacking the files. 
And of course, I have to use the Debian syntax for manual customization 
instead of BB's.

I think I'll also try my munge-script idea to blow the 
/etc/X11/blackbox-menu into a sub-menu named Debian in a menu file that
I maintain in BB syntax. Then I'll be able to use bbconf, and only
customizations to the Debian submenu will be lost when I update-menus.

Thanks for your help. If there's any interest, I'd be glad to write this
stuff up it's working cleanly.

Paul Mackinney

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