On Thu, May02,02 00:13, Ciprian Popovici wrote:
> Monday, April 29, 2002, 16:11:39, Derek Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, it IS possible to warp the position of the mouse cursor:
> > http://freshmeat.net/projects/xwarppointer/?topic_id=861
> > There's also a program called xbut (xbutton? :) here:
> > http://www.sandklef.com/xbut/ which seems to handle button events...
> After playing around with xwarppointer and xbut I can say I have quite
> a happy little setup on my box. Here it goes:

I'm glad my web research paid off... now I just gotta take the time to do
this myself. :)


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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