On 25-May-2002 Matt Wilson wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-05-25 at 18:51, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>> > 
>> > Only thing I've spotted so far is that windows are still getting placed
>> > underneath the toolbar (although, and I may be wrong about this, it
>> > seems to be only transients - dialogs, progress windows and the like.)
>> > 
>> any examples I can recreate here?
> um... hit ctrl+o for the open dialog in Galeon, or the "Send & Receive
> Mail" progress window in evolution, the "New Download" or "Properties"
> dialogs in GTM (gnome transfer manager)..
> ...hmmm... wondering if it's only gnome apps?

and no gnome here .....

> nope, preferences dialog for bluefish also... mozilla preferences too
> (but not moz "open" dialog)...

hmm, mozilla prefs open at (0,0) here.  Interesting.  Will look at this some

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