Okay then.  I don't know if anyone on the list uses bbconf, but if you
do...  I'd really appreciate it if you could check out bbconf 1.6-pre
when you get a chance.  There's some serious bug-squashing and feature
enhancements in this pre-release.  I'll paste the relevant section of
the ChangeLog below....  I've updated a bunch of the build logic, so
please let me know if you have ANY issues with building bbconf (*cough*
nyz *cough*).  =:)  I'd like to get it right before I release 1.6 into
the wild.

If you're interested, check out the CVS version of bbconf (see
http://bbconf.sourceforge.net for CVS access directions).  Thanks!  =:)

- version 1.6::
        - fixing bbconf to understand "~" better.  Ported blackbox's
          expandTilde() to QString.  Still don't do "~user", but we're better
          than we were.  =:)  Thanks to Nate Smith for bug reporting!

        - okay, big change... Qt 3.0.3 or > is required for bbconf now.  =:)
          There's more reasons that I care to list for this, but they're all
          really good.  =:)

        - pulling in newer and improved-er =:) acinclude.m4, ltconfig, and
          ltmain.sh from kde3 directories.
          Hopefully this will allow Brad to compile now.  =:)

        - fix for style-setting changes.  Also, we now dynamically load the
          list of available styles and populate our look and feel dropdown
          based on what's really available on the system, rather than
          hard-coding it.

        - okay, more build fixes for FreeBSD.  FreeBSD calls qt2's moc "moc2".
          I'm curious to see what havoc we'll wreak with qt3.  libqt3.so?
          moc3?  Thanks to Kyle Donaldson for the bug reports.  =:)  

        - build fix for redhat boxes (?)--gzipping the man page

        - taking out "(experimental)" from the --enable-mt directive

        - hopefully fixing the layout issues where we were taking up rather
          large amounts of screen real estate (which was not very nice of us)

        - fixing kckey.cpp (lower/upper-case issues) (was stopping people from
          being able to use comma, period, space, etc. for keybindings)

        - fixing Makefile.in's for NetBSD builds (probably others too)--we had
          LDFLAGS overridden in all the plugin Makefiles (why, I don't know).
          Thanks to Thomas Klausner for the bug report.


| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:24-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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