On Thu, May30,02 11:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Folks,

> I'm new to the list.  I'd like to change the transparency, color and size
of my xterm window.  On the archives I read a note about how transparency
can be done with something called "aterm".  Is this necessary or is there
another way?

Transparency is done via the application, not the window manager. You have
to either use Eterm or aterm. aterm is recommended as it has a smaller
footprint, however Eterm is a little bit more configurable (borderless
mode... the only way to go borderless with aterm is to use bblaunch or
> Also, can someone recommend a good (i.e. compact and solid) text editor
for bb?

vi, jed, joe, emacs, xemacs, nedit, pico... any number of editors work just
fine, you should investigate a bunch of them, then choose the one that works
best for you. These aren't exactly blackbox specific questions. :)


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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