On Fri, 31 May 2002 07:46:08 -0500
"Art Haas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let me see if I can get the Debian mozilla along with its
> dependencies and see how that runs here. Thanks for
> looking into this.

A quick warning on that: I have Debian Mozilla rc3, and mine
isn't stable, either. It's probably not be related to your
problem because (a)it's been happening since before I got
rc3; (b)Jamin can't reproduce it by going to the same sites;
and (c)it crashes differently than yours. Mine either shuts
moz down or locks moz(so that I have to 'killall
mozilla-bin' to get my cpu utilization back under 98%) when
I click on certain links or go to certain sites. Thought I'd
mention it, though.

To *attempt* to reproduce _my_ problem, go to
www.womansday.com (Don't look at me like that - I was
looking for places to sell freelance articles ;-) and click
on a link. Any link.

Rachel Collins

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