On 05-Jun-2002 Sascha Huedepohl wrote:
> Hi,
> first i would like to apologize for my bad englisch :)
> I think i found a bug in the latest blackbox alpha8.
> And i'm not proud of it ;) I like Blackbox verry much!
> I do the following:
> - start Blackbox
> - wait until all the Dockapps fire up
> - open the "Icon" Menu and let it stay on the screen
>   (i always have bbkeys in there)
> - then i hit the F5 - key to start an aterm
> - iconify the aterm
> - get it back from the "Icon" Menu
> - close aterm
> This procedure seems to be necessary to get the bug reproduceable.
> Then i start some (3-4) aterms.
> Next i get them one by one back from the (on screen) Icon Menu
> and close them with the [X] Button.
> With the closing of the 2nd or 3rd aterm blackbox dies.
> I'm not that god in Bug-Reporting, so please let
> me know how i can help getting it fixed.

In the message blackbox displays, did it say anything about workspaces?  Can
you make the blackbox binary and the core file available to me? (no core? do
ulimit -c unlimited and then start blackbox).

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