mikshaw wrote:
> True, but it seems many folks won't put themselves into a position to deal with it 
>at all when they  
> see all these 0.x versions.  When i first started researching open source projects a 
>couple years 
> ago, I thought "What the heck?  Does no one have a stable program finished?"
> It took a while before i got over the belief that anything below 1.0.1 was buggy and 
>not worth 
> the trouble.   I feel the majority of people who are stuck in that mindset, as I 
>was, will have a 
> hard time seeing the truth...and be more inclined to stay with their current OS and 
> believing them to be more stable.
> hey...my first post =o)

Mozilla 0.9 is more stable than Netscape 4.x
and IMO Blackbox 0.65 is more stable than Windows 95,
which (if i remember) is technically versioned at 4.x
... and Emacs is at v21 now, whereas MS Word is only
around v10

Anyone who has any experience with OSS (or software in
general) knows that version numbers mean nothing when
compared to other products.

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