On Thu, Jun06,02 08:51, xOr wrote:
> > I see no reason why I would want to move a maxmimized window, as moving it
> > puts some of the windows off screen. I propose that maximized windows should
> > not be moveable (config option?).
> There is no way that would fly for a large number of users. An option
> could be added to make it so, but the entire behavior could not be
> changed without ruining a lot of people's day.

Oh... I totally agree, hence I'd be more than happy with a config option.
I'm just throwing out ideas anyway... REALLY enjoying the new blackbox,
that's for sure.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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