You're absolutely right, Derek.

I credit Sean and Brad with all that they do (and have

I use blackbox because it is lean and fast, and when a new
version comes out, it is leaner and faster.  

Most of the features/configurations I could really care less
about, but I'll say this:  I'd rather adapt my usage or
learn a new method than have the wm get slower.

I'm definitely a fan of configurability, but for something
like a window manager which is usually so ever-present, we
should always be mindful of the impact of said
configurations (read: feature creep, code bloat). 

Derek Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
 > On Thu, Jun06,02 11:38, Chris Grossmann wrote:
 > > Derek Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> typed:
 > >  > Yeah... further to this, to whom to we cater? The users, or the power users?
 > >  > The featureists, or the minimalists? 
 > > 
 > > The authors.  :)
 > >
 > Maybe... but I don't think this is the case.
 > Right now authoring blackbox is closed (true, we can produce patches, and we
 > have complete access to CVS, but if an addition is made by someone outside
 > of The Blackbox Authors group, and something is changed in BB that breaks
 > that patch, then the patch author has to re-write it). This may end up being
 > the case for all time... however I hold hope that the bblib separation will
 > give patchers great freedoms over the control of blackbox.
 > It's very obvious that the authors are working with the users... of course,
 > they are only taking suggestions, and implement the ones that they feel suit
 > them, the project, or the users best. This governing body is not unlike the
 > one used for Kernel devel (Linus pretty much has the last say for what goes
 > in and what comes out) and I can live with it. :)
 > DC
 > -- 
 > Derek Cunningham
 > "Human beings act intelligently only after they have
 > exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban
 > Registered Linux User Number 195825

Chris Grossmann
YIM - chris_grossmann_rtp

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