On 06 Jun 2002 12:00:55 -0400
Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 11:19, Scott Furt wrote:
> > Good morning everyone:
> > 
> > I couldnt get any sleep last night so i decided to hack up
> > bbrun and modify it to bbweb.
> > 
> > Now, instead of typing in a binary to run, you can type
> > in a URL, and it'll load the browser of your choice with
> > the URL.
> > 
> > Put the path to your fav. browser in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.browser
> > it stores a history of past URLs in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.history
> > 
> > Whoopee :)
> > 
> > To get it:
> > http://furt.com/code/linux/bbweb/
> > http://furt.com/code/linux/bbweb-1.0.tgz
> I just downloaded it and compiled it on my Debian Woody installation
> -- when I tried to run it, it gave me a segmentation fault...
> (I've had a functionality like this for some time, actually, by piping
> the input from an xask dialog to my browser... just another way to go,
> if you don't hack C or C++... :-)  )

This is cool.  Works fine for me, by the way.

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