On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 12:52:13PM +0300, Ciprian Popovici wrote:
> I did the following:
> * launch a terminal window
> * from it, launch another (ie. $ aterm)
> * the new terminal windows works ok, the old one is waiting for the
> other to finish in order to resume
> * in the first window I press ctrl-z and send the second to background
> * the second window "freezes" and cannot be killed or used
> * when I return to foreground in the first window ($ fg) the second
> one return to normal and resumes whatever was attempted (if kill was
> attempted, it finally dissapears).
> Is this normal?

Yes. When you hit that close button, it tells the app to close. When its
stopped, it can't close until you resume it.

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

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