On Thu, Jul11,02 16:39, Gerrit Hoetzel wrote:
> > What I WOULD like to see is an emacs-like ability to string characters
> > together. ie: CTRL+Z+R will perform some action, and CTRL+Z+T will perform
> > some other action. Think that's doable?
> Or maybe distinguish sth. like vi's command and insert mode.
> "Insert" mode would give the focused window control over the keyboard,
> "Command" mode would give control to the key grabber; and special
> (vi-like) commands could be issued: 

Of course the commands would only be 'vi-like' if you configured them that
way, as it would be customizable what keys do what things.

I DO like the idea of separating things this way... however I'm not sure I'd
even want to turn off "Command" mode, lest an app I encountered needed the
keys I had mapped, in which circumstance I'd probably just adjust they way
my keys are mapped.

And of course, for all flexibility, if we had this "Insert"/"Command" mode,
AS WELL AS the emacs-style key combining, then we'd be absolutely set.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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