On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 09:40:43 -0700 (PDT) "Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > 
> > It would still be nice to have Blackbox support showing the menu in 
> > response to a bbkey event.  It would also be nice to have Balckbox 
> > support navigation of the menu via the arrow keys.  There seems to be a 
> > lot of resistance to doing this in Blackbox though.  Whatever.
> > 
> the goal is to support only the netwm and not have a proprietary protocol.
> There is no allowance for menu hooks in the spec.
> Supporting key control of the menu is a sufficient amount of code that we might
> as well not have bbkeys or epistrophy and just move the bindings into blackbox.
>  Then we run into "I can configure everything but XX in blackbox, why not?" and
> we end up making all of blackbox user configurable -- blam, we have left the
> land of minimalism and sleekness.  Perhaps this path will be taken, but it is
> not on the map at this point.

Why not take out the menu and call it bbmenu? It could have its own keybindings or be 
incorporated with bbkeys somehow. Doing this you would have to let people decide for 
themself (probably in .blackboxrc) what a right-click on the background should start.

This may be a bad idea, I don't know.



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