On Fri, Jul12,02 15:54, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> Hello,
> here at work I've been finally given a PC with Linux Red Hat 7.2
> and blackbox-0.61.1-2. Distro and/or blackbox version cannot be
> changed because of company policies too shameful to discuss them
> here. Also, I have no root password.
> The problem: the PC has been configured with initlevel 5, and GNOME.
> How can I use blackbox as my wm? If I put /usr/bin/blackbox in .xsession
> and the WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable, GNOME croaks because I
> am not using a GNOME compliant WM, and I'm left with an unusable desktop
> Keep in mind that I don't need GNOME at all, I just got it with the PC,
> and, again, requests to change the "default" install, i.e. to mess with
> gdm or such, are going to be ignored, for the more or less right reason
> that other people may use this PC, and they would get lost without icons
> and such. Any clues?
> TIA,
>        Marco Fioretti

Well... you COULD try to press ALT+F(2-6) to see if they've configured GDM
to run on all the terminals (Since this tends to be quite tricky, there's
high probability that they haven't), in which circumstance you should just
be able to login via text console, then run startx as per normal.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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