Marco Fioretti wrote:
> Hello,
> here at work I've been finally given a PC with Linux Red Hat 7.2
> and blackbox-0.61.1-2. Distro and/or blackbox version cannot be
> changed because of company policies too shameful to discuss them
> here. Also, I have no root password.
> The problem: the PC has been configured with initlevel 5, and GNOME.
> How can I use blackbox as my wm? If I put /usr/bin/blackbox in .xsession
> and the WINDOW_MANAGER environment variable, GNOME croaks because I
> am not using a GNOME compliant WM, and I'm left with an unusable desktop
> Keep in mind that I don't need GNOME at all, I just got it with the PC,
> and, again, requests to change the "default" install, i.e. to mess with
> gdm or such, are going to be ignored, for the more or less right reason
> that other people may use this PC, and they would get lost without icons
> and such. Any clues?
> TIA,
>        Marco Fioretti

What happens if you try to kill X with CTL+ALT+BKSP
or similar methods ?

My first course of action would be to bring down X
and then (as was suggested before) start it up again
using "startx", and put blackbox into .xinitrc

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