Hi there

I know many people here oppose most "new feature" suggestions, and I 
understand, I think most Blackbox users will agree when I say that we 
don't won't a bloated and big wm. That being said, I would still like to 
point out a little issue that I have encountered:
When working with maximised applications there is nowhere to right click 
to open the Blackbox menu. So I must either resize the current 
application(and possibly others underneath it) or change workspaces and 
open the blackbox menu there(where some desktop space is visible), and 
launch whatever I need. How about a possibility of making a keybinding 
(with bbkeys) that will *only* bring the menu up (in the middle of the 
screen or something), nothing more. No key navigation or anything, I can 
use the mouse after the menu has become visible =).

It would make things a bit easier and shouldn't require much code (?) to 

Øyvind S.

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