Tushar Teredesai wrote:
> On 6/8/05, Kevin M. Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Alright, I've gotten this stuff finally installed.
>>Here's my configure flags:
>>./configure --with-x --prefix=/opt/OpenOffice-2.0-m107 --enable-libart
>>--enable-libsn --enable-epm --disable-fontooo --with-system-mozilla
>>--without-fonts --with-system-stdlibs --with-system-freetype
>>--with-system-zlib --with-system-jpeg --with-system-expat
>>--with-system-libxml --with-system-curl --with-system-nas
>>--with-system-sndfile --with-build-version=BLFS-20050607 --with-java
>>--with-jdk-home=/opt/jdk/jdk --with-system-odbc-headers

Yes correct.  Thanks.  A couple of trivial changes:  prefix is not
necessary and --with-java/path are not necessary if JAVA_HOME is set
correctly.  Not positive about the other --with-system-*, but I believe
they are required.  I'll get to it.  Finally, "Mozilla" is
required...the build is currently broken without.  You can do the build
intree fine.  Thunderbird libs/headers will not cut it!  Mabye Firefox
and OpenLDAP will work if you specify OpenLDAP for ldap.h.  I'm trying
to figure out what change was that caused it because thunderbird worked
fine with m92 and a couple of changes to configure.  I also want to
eliminate the libmawt symlink with the proper link flag, but I've got to
find where it was needed now.  My last full build till next snapshot is
going now.

> Yay! No more patches to use the system installed versions of various packages!

Actually, libxml2 only doesn't if we want to create a symlink...I did an
intree patch to avoid the symlink.  :-)  I guess it's a matter of
personal taste, but I didn't like adding symlinks for already installed
packages.  I don't like the way I did the patch either...a mad ForInDo
grepNsed done in haste as opposed to changing the include path...will
fix it later as it'll work as is.

Anyway, latest patchset and my current instructions will be availible at
/~dj/OOo-2.0-pre/ in just a few minutes.  I choose not to use
--with-system-db, --with-system-odbc-headers, and --with-system-python
because of past versioning issues (fortunately not specific to the
mamoth sized build of OOo).

-- DJ Lucas
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