-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Berkeley DB
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 19:57:21 -0500
From: Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

David Jensen wrote:

>    It always *best guesses* 1 hour!  4 processes is correct, 
> *run_parallel 4*. It may have finished in a few more minutes.

When I left, I was up to test 1350 or so.  It said "less than" one hour
and I waited 20 :(

After it
> says the tests are done, it scans the output logs and prints the errors
> and failed or successful.  That does take some time.
>    Now first, let me say the instructions before I got involved said:
> run_parallel run_std.  Notice, no 4.  this is like make -j  It created
> 1582 processes and filled a 12G partition with test directories!  So I
> limited it to 4.  

That is reasonable.  I didn't check disk space, so that may be an issue.
 Do you know were the dirs were made?  Current dir?  /tmp ?

I have a dual 2.8 with hyperthreading on, thus top
> showed varying low to medium loads on the 4 pipes.
> Probably we should ditch the run_parallel, just add a note that it could
> be used.

Not if it fills up 12G!  That doesn't seem reasonable to me.

> I will run a test overnight without the run_parallel.  Then use that SBU.

OK.  I'll try it too.

  -- Bruce

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