On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 06:41:58PM -0500, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> > That's all that is needed. We don't *need* to implement some fancy
> > technology. You don't even have to submit it as a hint, as you have an
> Many of us don't have *need* for X on our desktops either, but we add it
> and a window manager, and scores of other packages, because it's nice,
> and it makes working with things easier. A well arranged and moderated
> wiki can be just as nice to work with.

*Sigh*. I tried to emphasize my point in that the technology right now
is less important that just getting in the info available now, as info
is certainly known by some now. I didn't once say I was opposed to a
wiki, I said it wasn't necessary to get the info out there *now*, which
should be the goal of those who have the info. Then, once testing is
done on one or several technologies, the choice can be made and

> Let me get trac up and running on anduin. Then you can play with it, and
> submit more feedback. It has the potential of replacing all of our
> online services except ftp and mail. ViewCVS, Bugzilla and our site
> could all be combined and consolidated via trac, and it just might turn
> out to be liked by the community.

I like the idea of dropping bugzilla. :)


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