On 1/30/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ideas for the wiki or ideas for BLFS? Whenever we go live with Trac, I
> believe we can just drop our current installation in place (minus the
> tickets which will need to be regenerated). So, if you're holding off
> from adding to BLFS's wiki because you think its only temporary... it
> very well may not be. :)

Well, the idea I really want to do is pretty general to LFS.  As the
next step after Richard's Essential Pre-Reading hint, I want to have a
page or multiple pages collecting Advanced Reading links.  Stuff like
links to the GCC manual, UTF-8 related links, anything I can find
about the toolchain, cross-compiling stuff, kernel documentation,
device hotplugging, links to important mailing lists, etc.  Things
that aren't necessary to running LFS, but would aid getting to the
next level.

I have the impression that everybody has a few gems in their
bookmarks, and a wiki is the perfect forum for these in my opinion. 
For example, I'm betting Alexander knows where some solid
documentation for UTF-8 and udev are.  It would be nice if instead of
me asking a stupid question, I could read the links in the wiki first
so I have some facts.

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