Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Hi all,
> Noted that there is some minor trivial updates to CLFS recently, the
> occasional package updates to LFS, and updates to jalfs (which is only
> as good as the [x]LFS books), there really is no development going
> on at all any more within the LFS project.
CLFS is in a package freeze due to the pending release. That's why their
hasn't been any updates, A Lot of testing is still being done. I lost
count of how many builds I did today (through X11).
> Discussion (you know, where people interact and contribute different
> thoughts and ideas) is almost nil on the lists and commits have come
> to a slow crawl.
There really hasn't been much technical discussion on the lists
recently, There hasn't been any major changes in a while. I think it's
about time that LFS gets bumped up to gcc-4.1.1 and glibc-2.4. And
switches to a newer linux-headers package. BLFS will only need a few
patches to support gcc-4.1.x which I probably already have in my
public_html directory on linuxfromscratch.org and cross-lfs.org.
> This only means there is total apathy within the project, and nobody
> really cares any more.
I really hope that this isn't the case.
> I am really concerned about the health of the entire overall project.
> Recently there was a call for funds to replace the Belgarath server.
> Funds were raised in a matter of days. For all practical purposes,
> anyone who contributed money, wasted it. That call for funds (and the
> raising of it) was *many* months ago. There has been no effort to even
> explain where the donated money went (other than someone bought some
> hardware, and has it, but won't commit the couple of hours it would
> take to put it online).
That is one thing that really tics me off. Belgarth is on its knees and
the new server, if there even is one, is probably sitting in the bottom
of someones closet. I think it's safe to say at this point that there
isn't a new server at all.
> The entire LFS project seems to be in the toilet. Am I the only one
> that thinks this? Am I over reacting?
> Is there anyone else concerned about the health of the project?
I love this project, I never want to see it go under. But, Unfortunately
I don't think you're over-reacting.
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