Going through the Xorg 7.1 install, both manually and using jhalfs, I had a 
couple of thoughts that might make things a little easier.  

First, I really appreciated the build routine that is shown on the Introduction 
page.  However since the routine is only displayed on the Introduction page it 
meant a lot of going back and forth in the browser.  It would be nice if it was 
included on each of the pages where it should be used, like Xorg Protocol 
Headers, Xorg Utilities, Xorg Libraries, etc.  Doing that leads to my second 

Having the routine on each page would make it easier to modify it to work 
correctly depending on different needs.
For example, the Xorg Libraries wget list downloads 44 libraries and 3 patch 
files.  The script that jhalfs builds fails because it tries to applies the 
patch every time it untars and builds a library.  So I modified the routine to 
look like this:

for package in $(cat ../lib-7.1.wget) ; do
  packagedir=$(echo $package | sed 's/.tar.bz2//')
  tar -xf $package
  cd $packagedir
  if [ "${packagedir}" == xtrans-1.0.0 ] ; then
    patch -Np1 -i ../xtrans-1.0.0-setuid-1.patch
  if [ "${packagedir}" == libX11-1.0.1 ] ; then
    patch -Np1 -i ../libX11-1.0.1-setuid-1.patch
  if [ "${packagedir}" == libXfont-1.1.0 ] ; then
    patch -Np1 -i ../libXfont-1.1.0-cidfonts-1.patch
./configure $XORG_CONFIG &&
make install &&
  cd ..
  rm -rf $packagedir

Obviously, the idea is for the patch to only be applied to the right library.  

Those are my ideas, for whatever they're worth.  Thanks for listening.

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