Ag. Hatzimanikas wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 17, at 09:50 Ag. Hatzimanikas wrote:
>> And because we set standards - and - everything we do, has to follow
>> standards. 
>> If there is no standard, we make this standard. 
>> If there is something wrong with the standard we fix it. 
>> If it is outdated we update it.
> And perhaps a good idea for lfs is to start use dash, as a standard POSIX
> shell instead of bash.
> We have a problem with the glibc guys who says:
> "We only support BASH for our build." 
> And we are talking about the *standard C library* and _yet_ they don't
> following standards (a POSIX shel), which is is considering a bug for me and 
> they should fix it.
> If they don't like the POSIX standards, come on and let change them, or
> make an entirely new, or whatever ....
> But until then we all have to follow the current standards.

Better yet, change the POSIX standard, so that Bash is the compliant
one.  A guy working with me at the time helped write it (I have his
memoirs on my bookshelf), it can be changed.

Changing LFS to use DASH is about as daft an idea as I have ever heard here.

Why don't we use Greek characters to render the book?  Because English
is usually rendered with Roman characters.

Linux is usually developed to use Bash.  End of discussion (AFAIAC)

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