On 10/18/2010 04:46 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> #!/bin/bash

Looks much cleaner than my own.  Included only for reference...different
ideas while sharing scripts (I use a top level wrapper called lspec, and
llog is a timestamp based logging script I slapped together to account
for the goofy names used in scrollkeeper from screwing up install-log).


# Package Information
export version="8.10"
export tarball="pcre-${version}.tar.bz2"
export dir="pcre-${version}"
export md5sum="780867a700e9d4e4b9cb47aa5453e4b2"
export download="http://downloads.sourceforge.net/pcre/${tarball}";

. /etc/lspec.conf
. ${lspec_dir}/.count
let count++

if [ "${count}" -lt "10" ]; then
elif [ "${count}" -lt "100" ]; then
elif [ "${count}" -lt "1000" ]; then

# I already have package
# get_package

cat ${lspec_dir}/pcre > ${build_dir}/logs/$lcount-pcre-${version} &&

cd "${build_dir}" &&
sudo /sbin/llog -p &&

tar -xf "${source_dir}/${tarball}" &&
# Account for cp -R for install logging
for file in `find . -type f`
    touch $file
cd "${dir}" &&
time {
echo "########## PREP AND CONFIGURE ##########" &&
./configure --prefix=/usr \
            --docdir=/usr/share/doc/pcre-${version} \
            --enable-utf8 --enable-unicode-properties \
            --enable-pcregrep-libz \
            --enable-pcregrep-libbz2 &&
make &&
# Checking build dir size is negligable
BUILD_SIZE="$(du -shb ./ | awk '{print $1}')" &&
echo "########## BEGINING TESTSUITE ##########" &&
time {
make check || true
} &&
echo "########## BEGINING INSTALL ##########" &&
sudo make install &&
sudo mv -v /usr/lib/libpcre.so.* /lib/ &&
sudo ln -v -sf ../../lib/libpcre.so.0 /usr/lib/libpcre.so
} &&
sudo /sbin/llog pcre-${version} &&
echo "count=${count}" > "${lspec_dir}/.count" &&
INSTALL_SIZE="$( du -shb `sudo awk '{print $1}'
/var/log/llog/pcre-${version}.llog | sed /\(M\)/d ` | awk '{print $1}' |
paste -sd+ | bc )" &&
FULL_BUILD_SIZE="$(du -shb ./ | awk '{print $1}')" &&
cd .. &&
rm -rf "${build_dir}/${dir}" &&
echo "" &&
echo -n "Diskspace required with testsuite is:     " &&
echo -e "$FULL_BUILD_SIZE\n$INSTALL_SIZE" | paste -sd+ | bc &&
echo -n "Diskspace required without testsuite is:  " &&
echo -e "$BUILD_SIZE\n$INSTALL_SIZE" | paste -sd+ | bc &&
echo ""
} 2>&1 | tee -a ${build_dir}/logs/$lcount-pcre-${version}

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