On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:04:50AM -0700, Qrux wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2011, at 9:42 PM, Ken Moffat wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 08:58:07PM -0700, Qrux wrote:
> Perhaps.  But, being "everything to everyone" is probably contributing to the 
> fall-off of maintenance.  That may be the case, that it's about many things, 
> but maybe that's part of the problem.
> You have a view of the users that I don't, since I'm not looking at the 
> support issues.  OTOH...There is such a thing as a vocal minority.  And, 
> given the complexity of the X-and-friends build (this is a sign of respect 
> for the complexity of X/KDE/Gnome/etc, not a sign of derision) I would 
> suspect there would be support issues.  Heck, even with LFS, there are a fair 
> number of folks asking questions that just aren't reading the book carefully 
> enough.  I could only imagine for X.  Plus, if someone is learning Linux, and 
> finds the idea of building a whole setup from source, aren't the chances 
> pretty high that that person is going to run into issues?
 Actually, xorg is now so scripted that it doesn't have a large user
support visibility.  There *are* always people using old/obscure
hardware (like me, for the moment) who get issues in video drivers /
Mesa.  Actually, looking back at recent times, there is very little
on blfs-support, other than for things beyond BLFS.  Maybe all the
users have already left :-(

> As for why you stopped contributing...It seems like a variant of the issue 
> we've been discussing.  If there were a smaller "Core", wouldn't it be easier 
> to track the vulnerabilities?  It would at least be easier to say: "Well, 
> we've 'audited' this subset.  It seems okay."
 I long since gave up logging vulnerabilities for packages I don't
care about.  The problem is that updating a random package sometimes
breaks one of its users.  The case I remember most was a libxml2
vulnerability which broke abiword (I use both packages, ISTR that in
that case I moved to a development version - not suitable for the
book, and the book stayed with an old, possibly broken, version of

 Also, I don't pretend to audit the packages - I read the
vulnerability reports I become aware of, and sometimes decide
"better safe than sorry", or other times (e.g. application crash)
decide that the risk *seems* low to me.
> >> I'm also not saying to remove X from BLFS.  I'm suggesting that there's an 
> >> area of overlap (this is getting to be a unfortunately repost, 
> >> essentially, of a prior message) between both desktop users (yes, this is 
> >> a legitimate use, I never said it wasn't; I've used X on my desktop 
> >> before) and server users, and that there ought to be an identifiable 
> >> "Core" that's usable by both modalities.
> >> 
> > The common ground between desktops and servers is, in my opinion,
> > regrettably tiny: pkg-config (when not in LFS), which or a variant,
> > maybe pcre, maybe cd/dvd writing, openssl, openssh (server vs
> > client), perhaps pcre, ntp, maybe mail, maybe rsync, maybe nfs,
> > and perhaps docbook and python.  There are other things I always
> > build, but many of them don't really belong on *production* servers
> > (e.g. strace etc - essential for an editor expecting things to break
> > when the toolchain is updated, but probably yet another attack
> > vector on a production server).
> > So, I don't think that putting these, plus the other packages you
> > care about, into a 'core' is helpful.
> Well, "production server" means many things to many people.  For some, (and I 
> might infer you're in this category), they might think of the ideal as being 
> a mathematically-provably secure machine with exactly no more attackable 
> surface area than the application/port/protocol/IP/MAC you've defined, with 
> provably secure code everywhere else.  For us mere mortals, we typically have 
> to rely on commercial distributors to update their software, whether it's a 
> commercial Linux distributor or a Win/Mac/Other situation, or we are Linux 
> admins, and try to do our day jobs while still trying to keep our machines 
> from being totally porous.
 No, I'm a mere mortal - for me, a production server is publically
visible. Fortunately, I don't have to support anything like that.
> >> 
> > But, your core already appears to contain things that I have no
> > interest in, nor need for.  The strength of BLFS has always been
> > that you can pick the things you want.  The idea of a 'core' implies
> > it should always be built.
> What's the big deal?  Just take out what you don't want.  You're the one 
> inferring "always".  I'm saying "this is a useful subset".  You read it as: 
> "You must use these things."  No one is saying that.
> I think Bruce made the point succinctly when he said that even with LFS, 
> you're free to strip out packages when you're done building.  You're free to 
> take things out of "Core", if you're even more minimalist.  It's not like 
> using "Core" is a contract that says you can't use '/bin/rm' or maintain the 
> system however you want.  I'm not sure what the complaint is.  I'm just 
> talking about identifying a subset of the book that could make the claim: 
> "Hey--if you build these things, you get a hugely more usable system, even as 
> a bootstrap to build the apps or services you need, because...umm...you can 
> log into it from another machine, have accurate civilian time-keeping, be 
> able to basic network-y things, share files, and make backups."  This is not 
> worthless.
> Yes.  The idea of a "Core" is that you SHOULD build it.  And, along with 
> that, it will provide features.  I think we covered that twice.  Just like 
> with LFS, you should build a bunch of it, if not all of it.  Do you have to 
> keep it?  Nope.  Do you have to keep what's in this "Core"?  No.

 I'll prefer not to build core items that I don't want (if there are
any), but if it makes getting a release easier (to be honest, I
don't think it does - see my previous post re starting from a clean
slate, and deprecation), maybe it's worth doing in thebook.
> Not sure what point you're making here...I can't help but feel a bit trolled 
> here...which is unfortunate, since I'm making a genuine effort (is that not 
> cool these days?) to understand the issues that BLFS is having.  Who is 
> adding anything?  ATM, I don't think the proposal is more than a 
> reorganization of the packages so that those not building Desktop platforms 
> can have a set of packages that's divorced from X.  If you're building a 
> Desktop...Who cares?  Run 4,000 packages.  Or 400.  Or 40.
 My impression of the current -dev book is that you don't need xorg
for the server packages (with the exception of cups, which you might
want on a server), although there are cases where optional
dependencies do bring in xorg.  So, slimming the book down implies,
to me, throwing something away.

 And I'm not trying to troll, but I do have a lot of baggage from my
past experiences editing BLFS.
[ snipped most of your reply because (a) I have no interest in
degenerating into a flame-fest when you are attempting to
contribute, but it seems I've upset you enough that we could easily
do so, nor am I interested in the minutiae of hair-splitting, nor
counting the angels on a pin head (a number as close to zero as
makes no difference), and (b) your long lines make it too awkward to
reply to points within them - I can't even get the next line onto
the screen, and (c) I don't have the time. ]

> Come on...This is pedantry.

 I've been an editor, I suspect it goes with the xml ;-) ;-)

 Someone earlier today made good points about what is wrong with the
phrase "core".  I would like to see a released (but reasonably
current, and useful) BLFS. If the discussion helps toward that, all
is good.

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