Am 16.01.2013 05:54, schrieb Jean-Philippe MENGUAL:
> Hi,
> 1. Would you be interested by a patch which would introduce localization 
> instructions?
> If yes, I do it quickly (my todolist increases).

no patches needed.

what i do is installing xulrunner and firefox as in the book (ok, i 
actually am at 18.0 with the instructions from the book).

what you get is a running firefox in english.

as i want german and french i download the following files:

now you have to copy the files to the appropriate location

for i in de fr ; do
   cp ${i}.xpi 

in my user.js i add the following line

user_pref("general.useragent.locale", "de-CH");
this can be done in about:config too

starting firefox, going to add-ons / languages i now have to activate 
the two language-packs. restarting firefox and i have german.


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