Em 16-07-2013 21:06, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:
> Em 16-07-2013 19:56, Bruce Dubbs escreveu:
>> Fernando de Oliveira wrote:
>>> This mail was written earlier. Lost again internet connection (after
> ...
>>> $ tail OpenJDK-
>>> Passed: java/awt/Frame/FrameSetSizeStressTest/FrameSetSizeStressTest.java
>>> FAILED: java/awt/Frame/FrameSize/TestFrameSize.java
>>> Passed: java/awt/Frame/HideMaximized/HideMaximized.java
>>> Passed: java/awt/Frame/HugeFrame/HugeFrame.java
>>> FAILED: java/awt/Frame/InvisibleOwner/InvisibleOwner.java
>>> Passed: java/awt/Frame/LayoutOnMaximizeTest/LayoutOnMaximizeTest.java
>>> FAILED: java/awt/Frame/ResizeAfterSetFont/ResizeAfterSetFont.java
>>> FAILED: java/awt/Frame/WindowDragTest/WindowDragTest.java
>>> FAILED: java/awt/FullScreen/FullScreenInsets/FullScreenInsets.java
>>> Passed:
>>> java/awt/FullScreen/NoResizeEventOnDMChangeTest/NoResizeEventOnDMChangeTest.java
> ...
>> problem is.  Also check the load with top.  If the system is idle, there 
>> is probably a hang.


> ... trying to
> understand what you also recommended: where can I find the sequence in
> which the tests are made, so I could disable that test.

Em 16-07-2013 21:34, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:> Em 16-07-2013
21:06, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:


> Perhaps I found it. Starting the test.

No internet again. Last message displayed at webmail is from igor, this
morning, [blfs-book] r11442, at 7:18. Incidentally, it is marked that he
did the last modification of openjdk, before the one by Bruce yesterday.
Igor, if you are reading, apologies for not have referred to you in one
post about

Yes, tests are executed according to directory alphabetical order. It is
a brilliant simple choice, but it could be stated somewhere in the wiki
or in the README.

 *Tests completed, finally!!!*

$ grep -B3 "Test results"
Passed: serviceability/7170638/SDTProbesGNULinuxTest.sh
FAILED: serviceability/ParserTest.java
Passed: testlibrary/OutputAnalyzerTest.java
Test results: passed: 229; failed: 29; error: 3
Passed: tools/javap/T6980017.java
Passed: tools/javap/T7004698.java
Passed: tools/javap/TestSuperclass.java
Test results: passed: 1,955; failed: 1
FAILED: runtime/NMT/VirtualAllocTestType.java
FAILED: sanity/WBApi.java
FAILED: serviceability/ParserTest.java
Test results: passed: 229; failed: 29; error: 3
FAILED: java/util/zip/ReadLoc.java
--------------- jtreg console summary for langtools ---------------
FAILED: com/sun/javadoc/testNestedGenerics/TestNestedGenerics.java
Test results: passed: 1,955; failed: 1

$ grep ^Error
| grep -v failed
Error:  compiler/7158807/Test7158807.java
Error:  gc/6941923/test6941923.sh
Error:  runtime/7196045/Test7196045.java
Error:  com/sun/awt/SecurityWarning/GetSizeShouldNotReturnZero.java
Error:  java/awt/TextArea/DisposeTest/TestDispose.java
Error:  java/awt/TextField/DisposeTest/TestDispose.java
Error:  java/lang/invoke/AccessControlTest.java
Error:  java/lang/invoke/BigArityTest.java
Error:  java/lang/invoke/PrivateInvokeTest.java
Error:  java/lang/invoke/ThrowExceptionsTest.java
Error:  java/net/ResponseCache/ResponseCacheTest.java
Error:  java/net/URL/PerConnectionProxy.java
Error:  java/security/Security/SynchronizedAccess.java
Error:  java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentQueues/ConcurrentQueueLoops.java
Error:  java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/TimedAcquireLeak.java
Error:  java/util/Map/BasicSerialization.java

Those lines are duplicated.

Not yet finished fixing it, though.

After I failed finding what test was hanging, disabled 8 tests at



Now, I can bisect, and with 2 more runs. expect to identify the
offending one. Hope the connection with the internet down at the moment
will not interfere. Fortunately, it is in the begining, so I will not
have to spend more 10 hours. have tried to identify running
individually, but it was not obvious. I started to think that there are
other ways of doing that. How can I identify a hung process? Perhaps
directly in top?

Other thing I wanted to learn: a simple way to insert peridic time
stamps in a log? This would tel me how long to wait for the process to
pass, and ten check it.

Further below, you can find times for execution of the whole tests minus
the eight ones disabled.

One thing I do not understand, and need to clarify, as the instructions
are supposed to be included in the book. I want to clarify if there is a
problem with the script and exclude potential problems in the central
section, which is the part to be included in the book.



In the terminal, at the end of execution:
FAILED: java/util/zip/NoExtensionSignature.java
FAILED: java/util/zip/ReadLoc.java
--------------- jtreg console summary for langtools ---------------
FAILED: com/sun/javadoc/testNestedGenerics/TestNestedGenerics.java
Test results: passed: 1,955; failed: 1
: # kill testsuite processes still hanging
nothing to cleanup

real    302m55.182s
user    958m5.877s
sys     11m1.299s
line 22: 27280 Morto                   export DISPLAY=:20 && Xvfb :20
-screen 0 1x1x24 -ac

real    302m55.186s
user    958m5.878s
sys     11m1.300s


Above, "Morto"="Dead", believe it is telling process is a "zombie".

But the script is still "executing", have not the terminal prompt back.

The script is:
# Re: [blfs-dev] OpenJDK Test failures
# Em 06-06-2012 13:13, DJ Lucas escreveu:
DATE=`date +%Y.%m.%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss` &&
PACKAGE=OpenJDK-${VERSION}-re-run-tests &&
HOMEFER=/home/fernando &&
LOGDIR=$HOMEFER/Downloads/blfs &&

{ time \
        export DISPLAY=:20 &&
        Xvfb :20 -screen 0 1x1x24 -ac&
        echo $!>  Xvfb.pid &&
        #make jtregcheck -k &&
        time make -k jtregcheck &&
        kill -9 `cat Xvfb.pid` &&
        unset DISPLAY &&
        rm -f Xvfb.pid
} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGDIR/$PACKAGE-$DATE.log

In htop (image attached), a description of the related processes. In top:

Tasks: 185 total,   2 running, 182 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
27279 fernando  20   0  5548  756  580 S    0  0.0   0:00.18 tee

27276 fernando  20   0  6788 1376 1108 S    0  0.0   0:00.00

While waiting, please, some help, going back to find which of the 8
excluded tests is hanging.

Thanks in advance.


<<attachment: OpenJDK->>

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