I am sending this because it seems that lsb-release is necessary for
vala tests. Please, somone check it.

-------- Mensagem original --------
Assunto: Re: lsb_release configuration [Was: ... Iced Tea 2.4.1 and iced
tea 2.4.5 sed unknown option to `s']
Data: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:41:29 +1300
De: m...@pc-networking-services.com
Para: Fernando de Oliveira <fam...@yahoo.com.br>
CC: BLFS Development List <blfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>, Christopher

> Em 17-02-2014 07:53, Fernando de Oliveira escreveu:
>> Em 17-02-2014 03:47, m...@pc-networking-services.com escreveu:
>>> Thanks for all the effort.  As requested the output is:
>>> lsb_release -ds "7.4"  (the " are displayed in the output)
>>> lsb_release -is n/a
>>> Not exactly sure what you wish me to try.
>>> I have no problem with attempting to install a later version if needs
>>> be.
>>> Please let me know what to try.  I did install the version listed as
>>> stable in the 7.4 book.  It was that one which I replaced the / with a
>>> %
>>> sign.  Was the only way to get it to build, and hence why I am not sure
>>> if
>>> it was a successful build or not.
>>> Regards,
>>> Christopher.
>> I think I know what happened. You forgot or did not properly
>> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/7.4/chapter09/theend.html
>> (before doing the following as root, backup, if you have them, the two
>> files, just for later comparison, so you will see the problem):
>> echo 7.4 > /etc/lfs-release
>> In the following, replace <your name here> by what you want the codename
>> to be. In may case, it is set by jhalfs to "lfs-jhalfs". In your case,
>> you can use christopher, lfs-christopher, anything you want.
>> cat > /etc/lsb-release << "EOF"
>> DISTRIB_ID="Linux From Scratch"
>> DISTRIB_CODENAME="<your name here>"
>> DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Linux From Scratch"
>> EOF
>> This should solve your problems.
>> You must do this, other software needs the lsb_release output.
>> Thus,
>> lsb_release -ds output comes from DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION
>> lsb_release -is output comes from DISTRIB_ID
>> Notice, in the referred page: Linux Standards Base (LSB)
> This problem appeared in the support page. Second time that lsb_release
> gives problem, if not installed or correctly configured. So, it seems
> that it is becoming increasingly more important.
> I am thinking of changing the page in BLFS to include the configuration
> file, duplicating, somehow, what is in LFS.
> I will include a test, to see how things are working, then, if not
> proper result, use the configure instructions  (reproduced above).
> Any objections, here in dev?
> I will wait feedback from Christopher.
> --
> []s,
> Fernando


Sorry for the lengthy delay in replying to this.  I had a system melt down
due to having to change a primary partition due to running out of space
and having around 300gigs of spare space unusable due to the fact all
primary partitions were already allocated.  Changed disk to gpt and it
wiped a couple of partitions, which as it turns out was a great thing.

Went through the release candidate for LFS and have also gone through most
of the BLFS setup.

I hate to admit this, but in reading through the thread, you hit the nail
on the head when you said that you thought that I had not set up the
lsb_release correctly in the final part of LFS.  I had totaly forgotten to
go back through and do the final configuration on it, as I was not
entirely sure at the time that it was a neccessarry file, though I had
done a partial configuration, namely changing it to 7.4.

This time I made sure that it was configured fully.

I was able to successfully complete the build without changing anything in
the Makefile.

I was asked which make file I had edited, it was:


There is only the Makefile in that directory, and I changed:

-e 's/@@distro_name@@/$(DISTRO_NAME)/g' \

to:-e 's/@@distro_name@@/$(DISTRO_NAME)%g' \

which is what allowed me to complete the compilation.

I know it was that line that I changed and am almost positive that it was
the second to last / that I changed.

Having the lsb_release set correctly also cleared up an issue that I had
installing vala and the vala test not being able to find its own path in
the tests.

Now when I do the commands I get:

lsb_release -ds "Linux From Scratch"
lsb_release -is  Linux From Scratch

Sorry for putting you folk through this, but I am glad that you were able
to help me pin-point what I had forgotten to do.  I hate mysteries.




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