> [code]
>          AC_TRY_LINK_FUNC(atk_object_get_type, : ,
>     *** Cannot link to Accessibility Toolkit.
> Accessibility
>     *** Toolkit is required to build GTK+]))
> [/code]

I hit what was probably a variant of this problem when I
upgraded ATK yesterday. For some reason, 1.10.2 installs all
of the shared libraries without the .so extension, with the
predictable result of breaking things.

You can get around it by renaming the files appropriately,
and editing the libatk-1.0.la file to match. That works for
me, but it's probably easier to just revert to version
1.10.1 until they produce a fix.

I'd check Bugzilla to see if it's been reported, but for
some reason I can't get into it.

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