Recently, Somebody Somewhere wrote these words
> bash-3.00$ su
> Password:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/sources/lesstif-0.94.4# make
> rootdir=/usr/share/doc/lesstif-0.94.4 install &&

You appear to be typing make <enter> install &&<enter>. This is wrong.
cd to the top source dir if you are not there. If you are, check for the
existence of a file called Makefile.

make install <enter> is correct.

As you have it /bin/install would be called with no arguments and would
probably take a (default) wild guess before getting out with the errors
you show.

The install you are trying to call is a target in the Makefile

grep -ne 'install:' should succeed (i.e. lines from the Makefile should
appear) You are telling make to run these targets in the Makefile.


        With best Regards,

        Declan Moriarty.
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