Since there is no Note Typogarphy in the book. You could just do this
change to the HTML:

          <b>Groff expects the environment variable <code
class="envar">PAGE</code> to contain the default paper size.</b> For
users in
          the United States, <b><em
class="parameter"><code>PAGE=letter</code></em></b> is appropriate.
          Elsewhere, <b><em
class="parameter"><code>PAGE=A4</code></em></b> may be
          more suitable. While the default paper size is configured during
          compilation, it can be overridden later by echoing either
          “<b><span class="quote">A4</span></b>” or “<b><span
class="quote">letter</span></b>” to the <code
class="filename">/etc/papersize</code> file.
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