On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Chris Staub <ch...@beaker67.com> wrote:
> On 12/31/2009 05:25 PM, stosss wrote:
>> At the bottom of the page for shadow in the BLFS svn book latest and
>> earlier versions. Is this note talking about a step that was done or
>> needs to be done?
>> Note
>> ENV_SUPATH is no longer supported. You must create a valid
>> /root/.bashrc file to provide a modified path for the super-user.
> I don't think it's in any way unclear, but I'll explain anyway...
> ENV_SUPATH is an option in /etc/login.defs, specifying the default PATH
> for the root user. However, the Shadow page in BLFS assumes you are
> rebuiding Shadow with PAM support, and if you are using PAM, ENV_SUPATH
> no longer does anything.

I got that. Is it telling about a process that was done in the steps
above on the shadow page _or_ is it telling about something that still
needs (or might need) to be done?
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