>>>> At the bottom of the page for shadow in the BLFS svn book latest and
>>>> earlier versions. Is this note talking about a step that was done or
>>>> needs to be done?
>>>> Note
>>>> ENV_SUPATH is no longer supported. You must create a valid
>>>> /root/.bashrc file to provide a modified path for the super-user.
>>> I don't think it's in any way unclear, but I'll explain anyway...
>>> ENV_SUPATH is an option in /etc/login.defs, specifying the default PATH
>>> for the root user. However, the Shadow page in BLFS assumes you are
>>> rebuiding Shadow with PAM support, and if you are using PAM, ENV_SUPATH
>>> no longer does anything.
>> I got that. Is it telling about a process that was done in the steps
>> above on the shadow page _or_ is it telling about something that still
>> needs (or might need) to be done?
>> --
> I think the note means that the variable is defined in the file, but
> has no effect when using PAM. The note names one possible workaround
> to modify the super-user path when using shadow with PAM support.
> ENV_SUPATH exists in /etc/login.defs but does not do or cause any
> behavior.
> So the note mentions a step that has not yet been performed nor is
> described in detail.

That is what I thought. If the authors thought it was necessary to
make the note, then why not say if the undescribed step is important
or what possible problems might be seen by not doing the step? Why not
explain how to do the step? If not doing the step won't cause any
problem then why mention it at all?
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