On 7 March 2010 11:37, Matthew Burgess <matt...@linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know a couple of folks here have built KDE recently.  I think I
> already know the answer to this, but I think I have to grab kdesupport
> out of SVN in order to build KDELibs, right?  My conclusion was arrived
> at because kdelibs wants 'automoc4' from kdesupport but there is no
> kdesupport tarball available from KDE's download site.

 Not recent, but when I was building kde4 I used to grab source tarballs
from e.g. Arch.  A quick google suggests Slackware have
automoc-0.9.88.tar.bz2 (failing tarballs, there's always rpm2cpio).
At that time, I grabbed phonon from debian, looks as if qimageblitz
maybe had a proper release.  Looked as if a version gets tagged in
svn from time to time, but tarballs aren't prepared.

> If that's the case, how do I stop things like oxygen-icons being built
> that already have their own tarballs available?  Preferably I don't even
> want to check out the oxygen-icons area of svn but I'm not sure that's
> possible...an 'svn update' on such a checkout would pull oxygen-icons
> next time around anyway, I would have thought.

 Don't know, and I'm afraid I don't care - building software became
a lot easier when I gave up kde4 and cmake.

> <rant>Why can't developers release a bloody tarball of their stuff?</rant>
 Because they think most people will rely on a distro to package and
test it.  Or perhaps they think it's cool to always be on the bleeding

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